7 Common Winter Hair Problems and Easy Home Based Solutions

With the arrival of winter, hair demands extra care. We have to face certain issues regarding our hair texture, itchy scalp, dry and tangled hair, and dandruff. You can resolve these common winter hair problems by takingĀ  few steps. We can revive our hair’s natural strength and glow by changing our hair care routines a bit.
Let’s look at some Winter hair issues and their solution by changing the routine that we already have for our hair care.

Common Winter Hair Problems and Easy Fixes

1- Loss of Natural Shine

2- Straw-like Hair

3- Dry and Itchy Scalp

4- How to Avoid Dry Scalp?

5- Dandruff

6- Static Hair

1- Loss of Natural Shine

The problem: Another winter hair problem that is quite common is the loss of natural shine and glow of hair. The indoor heating system and outdoor chill air sucks radiant glow.

The fix: The best way to redeem healthy shine is a hair mask. Just like a face mask is compulsory for a radiant glow, hair masks reverse the effects of dryness and bring an optimal level of health for hair and scalp.

2- Straw-like Hair

The problem: During Winters, due to the heating system and hot-water showers, the moisture level in the air falls low, causing dry skin and straw-like hair. The dehydration causes the hair cuticles to become rough and they also get matted.
The fix: The best solution to solve this hair problem is to use hydrating shampoo and conditioner. Replace your regular pillowcase with a silk one.

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3- Dry and Itchy Scalp

The problem: Just like the skin on the rest of the body, our scalp gets dry and itchy. The reason for this dry skin, as you all know, is the use of hot water. In winters, a hot water bath relaxes the body, but it also causes dryness.

The fix:For skin, Moisturizers are available, and we can’t apply that to hair as it’s not practical.

4- How to Avoid Dry Scalp?

The fix: One way could be to shampoo less often. This will allow Natural oil to stay on scalp skin longer and keep the skin safe from cold winter air that causes moisture loss and dryness.

Always use lukewarm water to wash hair because the hotter the water, the more oils it will strip from your locks.
Another way is to use a scalp treatment once a week or two weeks to keep the skin hydrated. Use a leave-in hair cream through your damp hair throughout the day to get the skin hydrated.
While washing, give your scalp skin a thorough kneading with your fingertips to remove any dead skin cells. It will also help if you are using any therapeutic technique for dry skin. Use steam to moisturize your hair.

5- Dandruff

The problem: The dry scalp also causes dandruff which is the root cause of hair fall in Winters. If you suffer from dandruff due to flaky, dry scalp, start oil treatment.

The fix: Apply Coconut oil or Castor oil (or any oil which you have already been using). Let the oil stay there for 20-30 minutes to penetrate the skin, and then wash your hair as usual. Leave-in conditioners also help resolve this winter hair problem. Dandruff-free scalp reduces dryness and also prevents hair fall.

6- Static Hair

The problem: One of the winter hair problems is that chilly air makes hair static, and they get out of control like a science experiment gone wrong. The main reason for this static hair is the dryness of the scalp.

The fix: The best solution is to keep the skin hydrated by using leave-in conditioners or a hair mask to lock the moisture in. To avoid it, don’t use metal combs as they supercharge your hair; instead use a brush with natural or plastic bristles. You can also keep an anti-static dryer sheet in your bag to use during office hours or in a get-together.

7- Keep Styling Equipment Away

The problem: It’s an obvious fact that styling hair with a rod, straightener, or curler is a significant guilty party for dry, harmed hair. In Winters, your hair is already in a delicate state; heat styling essentially enhances the issue, sucking dampness from hair strands.

The fix: To get your regular hair surface, air dry your wet hair rather than hair dry.Nevertheless you canĀ  select the hair dryer best suited to your hair type. Use a couple of drops of hair oil to tame frizz. The best way is to store your hair curling and straightening accessories away for the colder time of year and settle on heat-less twists and waves or utilize the colder months as a chance to explore different avenues regarding turns, buns, and ponytails.


By following above home based remedies, you can keep your hair hydrated and shiny this winter. These little efforts will not only make your hair healthy, but they will also give a new look to your personality and your winter hair care routine will eventually bring fruit.

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